Machinery for the production of Photo Books

In the last few years the photo book market has experienced great growth. From the printing of the old camera roll, to the universe of digital photography, today people see in the photo book an ideal solution to print and preserve their memories.

This is how every event, trip or important occasion is remembered with a photo book and, very often, the same is chosen as a gift idea.

Today, printing photos is no longer a necessity, but a choice.

All our customers know this very well and for years we have been working alongside them, listening to their needs in order to design and manufacture productive machinery, based on proprietary drawings and patents, which help them in the realization of the photo book.

Digital printers, copy shops, publishers, photo studios, development and printing laboratories and professional photographers, every day, thanks to our machines, they create quality photo albums for their customers.

Every day, with our machines, we guarantee them quality jobs, variety of formats, print speeds, cost optimizations and assistance.

Gluing Machines

Photofast Hot Melt Light

Semiautomatic gluing machine for photo books

Photofast Hot Melt

Automatic gluing machine for photo books

Photofold Single unit

Automatic line for photo books

Photofast Cold Glue

Automatic gluing machine for photo books

Creasing machine, folding machine, press and gluing: Automatic Line for Photo Books

Automatic line for photo books​

Composed by Photofold and Photofast

Casing-In, Press and manual corner cutter: Photo Books Machinery


Semi-automatic case maker 2 sides.


Semi-automatic casing machine


Semi-automatic press and jointing machine


Manual corner cutter

The creation of the photo book involves the use of specific professional machinery for each phase of the realization process. These phases, if not done in a workmanlike manner, can weaken the photographic and/or illustrative project.

The combined use of our machinery allows companies to also set up automatic production lines, which do not require manual operating intervention.

Our photo book production machinery creates:

  • professional photo books, even in large formats
  • perfectly flat photo books, to obtain the “panoramic pages” effect
  • digital albums photo
  • blocks
  • books for children
  • illustrated books for children

Our professional equipment is in small size, compared to the photo book machines on the market, thus allowing the company to place them in smaller spaces, and to manage them with the only work of single operator.

Designed to be an important help to the operator and to allow easy use even by inexperienced personnel or those who have not worked in the sector for a long time, they are therefore machines that are simple to use, but at the same time innovative and extremely precise.

The first phase of the production process of the photo block is carried out by our PHOTOFOLD, in which the photos enter and come out creased, folded and pressed.

Our automatic and/or semi-automatic gluing machines then glue the photos to the cards, thus creating the photographic block.

Case maker, casing-in and press are used to complete the work on the photographic block, creating the hard cover, gluing it to the photographic block and finally pressing it to form the so-called border or jointing.

To allow a more fluid passage in the production of photo books, our company has developed different types of automatic gluing machines with very high precision, which glue the photos already creased to the intermediate cardboard.

All our machines for the production of photo books do not require the use of pre-adhesive cardboard, thus allowing companies to significantly reduce production costs.

The gluing-in machinery we offer on the market are:

If you want to create a more productive and linear work line, therefore eliminating the manual steps, we proceed completing our Photofast Hot Melt (automatic gluing machine) with the Photofold (automatic folding machine).

The format change is very quick and intuitive and does not require mechanical interventions; this particularity makes our machines unique in their kind.

This production line for photo books therefore allows you to perform 4 operations: (creasing, folding, pressing and gluing) with a single operator.

Contact us to request information